Wednesday, 10 September 2014

How to create desktop shortcut for eclipse on Ubuntu

This tutorial shows how to create desktop shortcut for eclipse on Ubuntu.
For this example eclipse is first extracted to the a folder where you want to keep it.

1) Create a text file on Desktop and type the following line:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/path to eclipse directory/eclipse/eclipse
Icon=/path to eclipse directory/eclipse/icon.xpm

2) Click Save it on Desktop with name as: "eclipse.desktop"
3) Close gedit
4) Right-click eclipse.desktop
5) Click Properties
6) Click Permissions
7) Check Allow executing file as program
8) Click Close
9) Eclipse shortcut is ready!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Seismic Unix Installation in Ubuntu

Download the installation file from CWP websiteclick here to download.

After downloading the file, extract the file, you will get a folder called "src"

Now, Make a Directory, where you want to install Seismic my case, i am creating "cwp" directory in home directory:
mkdir cwp
Now move the "src" folder in "cwp" directory:  copy "src" and paste it in "cwp".
mv src /cwp/              if src is in your home directory
Go to src/cwp directory:
cd cwp/src
Then type the following command one by one in terminal: Make sure you are in "src" directory.
echo "export CWPROOT=~/cwp" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/cwp/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
make install 
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get install libxt-dev
make xtinstall  
 Now Seismic Unix is installed in your system if you don't get any error up to now. To check it, run this:
suplane | suximage title="My first test" &
 For any query, please, write a comment..........thank you!

Friday, 18 April 2014

MATLAB Installation in Linux/Ubuntu:

Step 1: Download the installation file and Extract the file (Lets Extracted Folder = MATLAB)

Step 2: Go to MATLAB Folder using terminal: eg: suppose our extracted folder "MATLAB" is in  Downloads Directory, the use this command: cd Downloads/MATLAB
Step 3: Run this to install: sudo ./install
Step 4: Follow the instructions, Matlab will be install in /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a (directory by default).
Step 5: How to launch Matlab: 
Method A:
Go to home directory and export the PATH is .bashrc file as:
gedit .bashrc &
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/bin
source ~/.bashrc

Method B:
Try navigating to bin folder in your Matlab installation directory:
cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/bin
Then execute Matlab from there:
if that worked for you, you can create alias:
cd /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/bin/matlab matlab
This trick will allow you to launch matlab from any directory, as you were trying to do. Note that you should use sudo for the last command, since it creates alias globally, for all users.
If you are not in sudoers list (i.e. you cannot use sudo command), you can create alias locally. To do that, open .bashrc file, which is in your home directory:
gedit ~/.bashrc
Add the following line to the end of that file:
alias matlab="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/bin/matlab"
Finally, reopen your terminal, or type source ~/.bashrc and execute this command.